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Сообщения, опубликованные WiktorBiesiadecki

  1. spasiba vam vsiem za vozmoznosth vysupa.Ya ochen dovolnyi shto my mogli s Vami obshciatsia. Etot byl dla nas ochen prikrasnyi urok vashey starany i sobak.  Mayey siestrie ochen panralilas Rassia i Maskva. Budiem priyezhat i vstriechat Vas. Spasiba balshoye.



    Wiktor Biesiadecki

  2. heheh horosho , znahit v konce koncov dogovorilis. Perevodchik nikogda nie perevodit pravilno. Zavdhy yest kakije to niepravilnosti.

    1. Vitim


    Da u nas ohothitsa s Laikami na utku , phasana , gusiey i kuropatki.

    nu ohota na kunicu , bobra , barsuka , yenota nie yest takaya popularnaya kak v Rosii , etyh zivotnych strielyayem v principie koghda ohotimsa zagonami na kabana ili olienia.


    2. Stiepanich


    da v Polshy nieto specialney ohoty na pushninu , promyslovey. Nu u nas kogda zaghonnaya ohota vtoroye parody sobak nie tak horoshye kak Laika. Laike yest ludschaya na zaghonnuyu ohotu chem vtiroye parody na zaghonnuyu ohotu v Polshy.


    3. 1642001575402


    Kogda Ya pisal shtoby Vy sprasivali ya imiel v golovie stoby Vy sprasivali pro Laiki v Polshy a nie pro Laiki so vsiem. Vy experty i u Vas yest poniatie ob Laikam , u mienia takogho niet. Koghda ya priezhzayu v Rossiyu ya sprashivayu Vas postoyanno potamu shto ya nachinaiushchiy Laichatnik.



    Mozhet bytch kogda ya tak pishu ?

  3. VITIM

    1. Yes. We hunt with Laika for ducks , pheasant , gooses and pardridges.

    2. We hunt for badger , beeber and marten. We can hunt for it but it is not so popular hunting in Poland.





    Yes. Here is not special hunting for hair animals but when we hunting for boar or deer our breeds are not so good as Laika is. Laika is better for club hunting that other breeds in Poland.




    feel free to ask I mean if You have any questions about Laikas in Poland , not about Laikas at all ......... You are the experts and You have the knowledge about Laikas not me ........ When I'm coming to Russia I am asking You all the time because I'm just starting Laika Man.

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  4. Hallo All !!!


    Here in Poland we have some Laikas. Most of them are West Siberian of course. We have Russian and not much East Siberian Laikas. In Poland we have Yakutsk Laika. It is about five dogs for whole Poland. Polish hunters at all do not know how Laika hunts. They think that Laika goes alone for 20 km and nobody can stop her and call her back ...... They don't know that Laika is very quiet hunting dog. Asks me many times "Why they don't barks ?" It is bacause they know hunting with terriers , gonczy polski , wahtelhund and other barking for the threes breeds. In Poland are hunters who comes with their dogs for club hunting. I'm hunting only with Laikas and I come with my dogs for the club huntings too. This way i meet many hunters in Poland who don't know Laika. Hunters who didn't see Laikas work are so surprised what they do in the forest. They are so happy when they see how Laika holds boar and don't leave him until I came. Polish hunters likes very much that Laika is so quick dog and so smart. It is so interest for them that Laika can hunt many days and don't leave her strong. With Laikas generaly we are hunting for boar and deer. For birds too. We are not hunting exactly for marten , badger or beeber. It is allowed but not much Laika hunters hunts this way. For today are not much dog macher who hunts only with Laikas in Poland but it still opens. This breed of hunting dog is founding very good place in Polish hunting world. Bacause it is the best hehehehehe I can read Russian but don't have letters. If You have any questions feel free to ask. Wiktor

  5. Hallo everybody !!!


    I want to say thank You that i can be with You all in Sieligier. It was the first time when Laika from Poland was a part of meeting. Nobody before did do that. It was very pleasant for me to meet with You - elite of Laika Man in Russia. Thank You very very much. I'm so happy. Will see You on the next meetings.


    sorry no Russian letters in my computer

    translator does not work god



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